Recycle content
to achieve a better future

Curate and diffuse the most sustainable content for your brand:
the one already produced by your fans.

    UGC solidarity sustainable development strategy

    UGC for solidarity

    • For most industries, producing new content participates in the environmental disaster as it is not made to last. So why not recycle content that already exists, content made by your own true fans?
    • Engage your community in this marketing for good action and drive a new model of advertising. The principle is simple: for each UGC reused in advertising content, the brand undertakes to make a donation to an environmental NGO.
    • At AdAlong, we help brands to activate their community on this program and thus to convert UGC into donations for NGOs. Our ambition is to empower consumers’ actions at their own level in order to lead global positive change.
    See how you can turn content created by your
    community into high-performing marketing assets